FSKM-90M – SureSeal Drip Free Self Aligning Propeller Shaft Seal for a 90 Millimeter Propeller Shaft.
Parts Included in this Kit:
- FSA-90M-XXXX-X x 1
- Articulated Hose x 1
- Clamps x 4
- HAT-MM90-02 x 1
The Minimum Distance required from the end of the stern tube to the coupling is 7 1/4 Inches.
Water from Raw Water Feed to SureSeal that delivers a minimum of 1 Gallon per Minute at Engine Idle Speed and increases as you throttle up, at a minimum of 2 psi.
SureSeal™ Drip Free Self-Aligning Shaft Seal
The SureSeal Shaft Seal is a drip-free, self-aligning propeller shaft seal that is OEM equipment on many well known brands and types of vessels. The SureSeal supports propeller shaft sizes ranging from 1 inch up to 8 inches and from 25 millimeters to 160 millimeters.
With Twin Engine vessels, we recommend the SureSeal model with dual injection fittings so a passive crossover line can be installed between the 2 SureSeal shaft seals. This way, if you are trolling or have a breakdown on one engine, cooling and lubricating water is still being supplied to the SureSeal that is on the idle engine.
If you install a Spare Seal Carrier Kit at the same time you install the SureSeal shaft seal, when the time comes, you will be able to change the Lip Seal in the water. No need to break the coupling or haul the vessel.
The only information needed to purchase a SureSeal shaft seal is your propeller shaft diameter, the OD of your stern tube and that you have verified that there is enough room between the end of the stern tube and the coupling to install the SureSeal.
Distance from the End of the Stern Tube to where the Lip Seal will ride on the shaft, generally between 4 to 7 inches ahead of the stern tube.
Please Note: If the surface of your propeller shaft (between the propeller shaft coupling and the stern tube) is in poor condition (tool marks, rust, or pits) it will be necessary to bring this area of the shaft back to “like new” condition.
If a stuffing box has worn a groove on the propeller shaft surface, it may be necessary to adjust the Tides blue hose that covers the stern tube (or the hose end of the SureSeal) to locate the lip seal ahead of this area.
If your shaft condition is suspect (as described above) and hose adjustments cannot position the lip seal to an unblemished spot on the shaft, (while maintaining a 2 clamp engagement on both ends of the hose), a Face Seal product may be a better choice than the Tides Product
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